
A Hobo Clown, Cancer Survivor, & current patient, helping others…

I am a cancer survivor and a cancer patient. I was originally diagnosed in June 2018 and went into remission in October 2018. In May 2019 my cancer had returned in the bone marrow, but with no spreading to the lymph nodes. I have double-hit lymphoma, with 90% being standard large cell lymphoma, and 10% being an aggressive cancer with a higher risk for recurrence.

I had the misfortune of having my initial symptoms present themselves while on vacation in Florida, and the resulting bill for my 25 day stay in the hospital (out of network), after insurance, was more than we paid for our house. We are still making credit card and hospital payments from Round 1.

As part of my quarterly checkups with my oncologist, it was suggested to get a second opinion on the monitoring aspect of my remission since there was a high risk of relapse. A second opinion recommended a bone marrow biopsy. This May 2019 biopsy showed that the lymphoma had returned to my bone marrow in an aggressive way. So on June 4 2019, I commenced Round 2 of my treatment which will consist of three – three session chemotherapy sessions followed by a bone marrow stem-cell transplant (hopefully using my own stem cells).

As I continue on this journey, I am forever thankful for the support and prayers that were provided by friends and family. Having regular contact with friends and family, checking to see how I and my wife are doing, has really helped us get through the worst part of the ordeal. I am paying it forward now, providing emotional support for two others currently going through cancer treatments. In addition, to help other cancer patients going through this devastating experience, I have incorporated a non-profit to provide emotional and financial support.

I feel extremely energized about this new journey to assist those in the middle, making too much to get 100% assistance, but making not enough to afford the health care outright. As part of my journey through life, I made a sojourn into clowning, my character is based on a hobo clown, down on my luck – but forever optimistic. That is why I have named this non-profit “forever optimistic – Cancer U Suck” (fo-Cus for short).

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What People Say

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

Walt Disney

It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.

J. K. Rowling

Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.

Dr. Seuss

Let’s build something together.